Nomination Procedure

Each nomination should be supported by three nominators who should all be at the level of associate professor or above in structural engineering (or holding other positions of a similar status). The nomination package should be submitted by the corresponding nominator and contain the following documents:

1. A completed Nomination Form;
2. Nominee’s personal statement attesting to how they meet the criteria for the Award (less than 1,000 words);
3. The nominee’s CV, publication list and other appropriate supporting documents.

Please email your nomination to the Secretariat at:
The deadline for nominations is 15 August 2023 (HKT).

The names of the first two recipients of the J.M. Ko Award will be announced in October 2023.

Key dates
Call for nominations:  June 2023
Deadline for nominations: 15 August 2023
Announcement of awardees: October 2023

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